Baseline Report on the Status of Gender-Based Violence in Isiolo County
Under: eliminating-gender-based-violence-against-indigenous-pastoralist-women-and-young-girls

This report presents the findings of a baseline survey conducted by Isiolo Gender Watch in 2023 on the status of gender-based violence (GBV) in Isiolo County, Kenya. The key findings include:<p class="ql ...

14 March, 2024

Amplifying Voices: How Radio Shahidi is Empowering Communities to End Gender-Based Violence in Isiolo County
Under: eliminating-gender-based-violence-against-indigenous-pastoralist-women-and-young-girls

As Isiolo Gender Watch, we have found that radio activism has been a powerful tool in our fight against gender-based violence (GBV) in Isiolo County, Kenya. By utilizing Radio Shahidi, we have created a platform that has raised awareness, educated ...

14 March, 2024

Staff Meeting
Under: isiolo-gender-watch-internal

Isiolo Gender Watch is holding a staff and board to build their capacity, define roles, and strategize for the year, and the next. ...

30 October, 2023

Gender-Based VIolence in Isiolo
Under: eliminating-gender-based-violence-against-indigenous-pastoralist-women-and-young-girls

Isiolo County in Kenya is predominantly inhabited by indigenous pastoralist communities where the treatment of women and girls, and their status in general, is mainly guided by traditional norms and practices. Women and gi ...

16 August, 2023

Eliminating Gender Based Violence Against Indigenous Pastroralist Women and Girls in Isiolo County
Under: eliminating-gender-based-violence-against-indigenous-pastoralist-women-and-young-girls

The elimination of gender-based violence (GBV) against pastoralist women and girls in Isiolo County, Kenya, is not just a moral imperative but a fundamental step towards achieving social justice and community progress. Isiolo's pastoralist communi ...

13 September, 2023

Governance & Development Program
Under: programs

This program aims at enhancing active participation while ensuring there is gender balance in governance, development and decision making as well as sufficient representation of gender in leadership positions. ...

08 June, 2023

Peace and Conflict Resolution Program
Under: programs

This program aims at promoting the role of gender in facilitating peaceful coexistence between the diverse ethnic communities living in Isiolo County. It further focuses on promoting conflict resolution amongs ...

08 June, 2023

Health Advocacy and Development Program
Under: programs

This program supports and promotes the right of patients in the health care arena. It helps build capacity and enhances health policy initiatives focused on available, safe and quality health care. Health advo ...

08 June, 2023

Gender and Culture
Under: programs

This program aims at eradicating retrogressive cultural practices that violate child and human rights such as F.G.M, early childhood marriages, education discrimination against the girl or boy child and gender ...

08 June, 2023

Meet our partner: PACJA
Under: isiolo-platform-for-climate-justice

Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA) is a consortium of more than 1000 organisations from 48 African countries that brings together a diverse membership drawn from Grassroots, Community-based organizations, Faith-based Organizations, Non-G ...

14 January, 2023

Social Justice, Climate Justice, Climate Change
Under: isiolo-platform-for-climate-justice

Social Justice, Climate Justice, Climate Change<img src=";token=efd16bf3-a183-49f1-a ...

14 January, 2023

Lets have a conversation about Climate Change and Climate Justice
Under: isiolo-platform-for-climate-justice

Commitment to climate justice refers to the understanding that the impacts of climate change disproportionately affect marginalized and vulnerable communities, and that addressing these impacts must include a focus on social and economic justice. ...

16 January, 2023

Climate and Social Justice in Isiolo, Kenya
Under: isiolo-platform-for-climate-justice

Climate change affected social issues in Isiolo County, Kenya. The impacts of climate change such as water scarcity, food insecurity, and desertification exacerbated existing social issues and created new ones. For instance:Climate cha ...

16 January, 2023

Climate Justice
Under: isiolo-platform-for-climate-justice

Climate justice refers to the idea that the impacts of climate change disproportionately affect marginalized and vulnerable communities and that addressing these impacts must include a focus on social and economic justice. Climate justice encompas ...

14 January, 2023

Project Title: Advancing Social and Climate Justice through grassroots pastoralist woman and girls’ social movements
Under: isiolo-platform-for-climate-justice

Numerous authoritative publications and actual evidence clarify the increasing threats of adverse climate change, the actualisation of which remains inevitable as long as no urgent redre ...

16 January, 2023

"Grassroots to Global: Advancing Social and Climate Justice for Pastoralist Women and Girls"
Under: isiolo-platform-for-climate-justice

"Grassroots to Global: Advancing Social and Climate Justice for Pastoralist Women and Girls" is a powerful movement that aims to empower and support the rights and well-being of pastoralist women and girls around the world. Pastoralism is a way of ...

16 January, 2023

Climate Justice: Why Should Isiolo Care?
Under: isiolo-platform-for-climate-justice

Climate justice is important for vulnerable populations in Isiolo, Kenya, because they are disproportionately affected by the impacts of climate change. Isiolo is a pastoralist community, and pastoralism is a way of life that has been practiced fo ...

14 January, 2023

Grassroot women groups are informing climate justice in Isiolo County Kenya
Under: isiolo-platform-for-climate-justice

Grassroot women groups in Isiolo County, Kenya, are playing an important role in informing climate justice by raising awareness about the impacts of climate change on their communities and advocating for policies and programs that address these im ...

16 January, 2023

Meetings with Women Led Groups (WLG) in Climate Justice Discussion
Under: isiolo-platform-for-climate-justice

Climate justice discussions are highly relevant for Isiolo, Kenya, because the region is already experiencing the negative impacts of climate change, which disproportionately affect the most vulnerable and mar ...

15 February, 2023

Voices of Indigenous Women in Isiolo on Climate Change and Governance
Under: isiolo-platform-for-climate-justice

IntroductionOn Thursday 9th March, 2023, Isiolo Gender Watch had the privilege of meeting with a group of indigenous women in Isiolo to discuss climate change and cli ...

22 March, 2023

We're Hiring
Under: recruitments

CONSULTANCY ADVERT BackgroundIsiolo Gender Watch, is a Local NGO, legally registered ...

27 July, 2024

Under: recruitments

ISIOLO GENDER WATCH (IGW)Isiolo Gender Watch is a registered community-based organisation that seeks to provide plausible, indigenous, women-derived, and thus effe ...

27 July, 2024

We are an organisation formed in 2013 with the aim of bringing forth the voice of a woman in decision making.

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